Saturday, April 10, 2010

Elizabeth Lemon, Expecting her first Lemon Drop!

Hi there! I'm Elizabeth Lemon, Elizabeth Lane for those who knew me before I got married, and I am from Vancouver, Washington. Technically I was born in Portland, Oregon, but lived in the same house in Vancouver almost my entire life. I went to Crestline Elementary, Wy'East Junior High, and Mountain View High School, all of which were in the Evergreen School District and not further than a mile and a half from my home. I even completed my first two years of college while living at home when I attended Clark College in Vancouver. My moving adventures did not start until I needed to find a school to attend once I completed my Associates Degree. So I decided to move to Alabama, where I attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham. I was there for two years, and moved three times! After two years I moved back to Vancouver, and lived with my parents once again. While back in Vancouver I met my husband, coached volleyball, and commuted everyday to Portland, Oregon to attend Portland State University. This is where I finally finished my Bachelors Degree, which is in Health Studies with an emphasis in Physical Activity and Exercise. My ultimate education goal has always been to become a health and physical education teacher. The military moved my husband and me to San Diego, where I hope to receive my teaching credential. However, a wrench has been thrown in my plan as I am expecting our first child.

Technology has played a big roll in my life. I depend on it everyday to stay connected with my family and friends that are spread all over the country. I use my computer and cell phone everyday, but I am hesitant when it comes to the latest new technology. I guess this steams from not being able to afford the expensiveness of new technologies, and wanting to wait until all the kinks are worked out before I buy a faulty item. I am mainly a PC user and have Windows Vista by default on my husbands laptop. I am not a fan.

When I found out I was moving to San Diego I knew I needed to find a school where I could finish my education and get started on my career. I was referred to CSU San Marcos by service available to me on Camp Pendleton. When I read the mission statement of the College of Education I did agree with it, but it was not what influenced my decision to attend. CSU San Marcos is the closest school to my home and offered the teaching credential program. I like that the College of Education is committed to diversity, student centered learning, as well as life long learning. I plan to be a life long learner as I try to learn something new every day. I am also committed to teaching diversity because of my personal experiences with different cultures and people.


  1. That is so exciting that you are expecting your first child... it is a "good" snag in your plan!

  2. Congratulations on expecting your first child Elizabeth! It's pretty cool that your maiden name is Lane too. So what grade/subject do you plan on teaching?

  3. I feel the same way about trying to keep up with current tech stuff. I usually just wait until whatever I want is free or next to it.

  4. I saw on Kelli's profile that you were from Washington too! What?! We might be infiltrating this campus.

  5. Thats awesome that you coach volleyball...I do too! Congrats on your first child!

  6. Elizabeth Congratulations!!!!!
    This is such an exciting and special time for you and your husband. I wish you the best of luck starting your own family, and am certain you will both be great parents. Stacey couldn't have said it better, it is a "good" snag. Last thing, take lots of pictures, you can never have too many.
